Private chat video gets leaked

There are thousands and thousands of private and pornograph!c videos and photos of normal people that get uploaded on the internet every year. We blindly trust the internet but any device like mobile or computer can be easily hacked and hackers can easily get access to the most private documents or videos. Due to this many people commit suic!de. It does not only affect a particular person but whole family is affected by these kinds of things.

This is also one of the cases. A private video chat moment has been leaked on the internet. The boy’s face is blurred but the girl can be clearly seen. At the beginning they talk about random things and get into a f!ght. Later the guy tells the girl to open her top. The girl hesitates but later she does it as her boyfriend keeps on insisting. The guy again asks her to open her inner garment, she gets $hocked and does not want to do it but the guy keeps on insisting and she is forced to do it. Even though the video is blurred and cut at some uncensored placed on YouTube but its not the same on all the websites. Other sites have the full and uncut scenes of it. This is just an example, there are many other such cases which are even wor$t. We should rather take this video as an awareness. We should be very careful so we do not become another victim of such act.


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